Passport: Design system

{Issuing your passport}

Team: Norman Rabinovich (Creative Director), Usman Fahimullah (Product Designer)

Screen Shot 2020-02-23 at 2.51.52 PM.png

The Background

Passport is a global agency that is focused on ideas that help their clients go further and help them go forward.

The Challenge

With growth comes growing pains, Passport was at a point where our site was being neglected and becoming mis-managed. We decided to scrap the site as well as define every component into a solid system that provided structure for the future.

My role:

As the only product designer on Passport at the time, It was my job to lead and develop this new website, while the other teams were focused on brand focused projects. I designed the whole website and system with our creative director overseeing the project.


Type System - Using Untitled Sans and Ivar Text

Brand Colors

Brand Colors

Color Hierarchy

Color Hierarchy

Multiple Button styles were used

Multiple Button styles were used

Input Field.jpg
Dropdown Selection.jpg
Tabs and Fixed Headers.jpg
Video Playing.jpg

What’s Next

After the design we began to code out the site!

We were able to send over the design’s over to develop the site, since then we’ve had many iterations of the current site and the current system has changed drastically.

View Website ⟶


Big Shooter Productions - Design System